
Suffering From Hair Fall After COVID- 19

hair loss

The problem of hair loss has become common in patients who have recovered from covid-19. Doctors of many hospitals are trying to figure out the reasons for hair fall in patients with covid-19. So, let us understand the crux of the hair fall problem after covid and how we can solve it.

The people who were caught by the second wave of Corona, are struggling with many problems after recovering. One of these problems is related to hair fall. These days, people who have recovered from covid are facing the problem of hair loss. The cured patient is taking stress due to excessive hair fall and this is increasing the problem more.

Incidence of hair fall

After the end of the second wave, there has been a sudden increase in the number of patients coming with the problem of hair fall. Compared to the previous days, the patients coming with such a problem have increased up to 7 times. It has the highest percentage of women.

Hair Loss as a complication after covid

  • Hair loss i.e. hair fall is being seen the most among the complications occurring after covid-19. The second wave of the pandemic has subsided, but the problems it caused are not over yet.

  • After recovering from COVID, many people are complaining of skin allergies, rash, dry eyes, weakness, and fatigue.

  • Another problem which is being seen in most people are the problem of hair fall.

Hair fall causes due to covid 19

Stress and anxiety

  • Hair fall can be a cause of anxiety and emotional stress for many people.

  • This is due to the stress and inflammatory reaction caused by the viral disease in patients who have recovered from covid-19. Due to which the problem of hair fall is increasing rapidly.

Inflammation due to covid 19

  • There has been a doubling in the number of patients complaining of hair fall.

  • Inflammation is the main reason after Kovid-19.

Telogen effluvium

  • Telogen effluvium - a stage of excessive hair fall which can be due to fever and other symptoms in covid-19.

  • A person loses 100 hairs daily in general, but due to the telogen effluvium stage, this number can increase to 300-400 per day.

Other causes of hair fall after covid

  • Nutritional deficiency, sudden weight changes, hormonal disturbances, and vitamin D and B12 deficiency are the main reasons after COVID-19.

Prevention of hair fall after covid

  • The patients are advised to take a healthy diet, which is rich in vitamins and iron, after recovery from covid-19.

  • There are two reasons for this, iron deficiency increases the problem of hair fall, and a balanced diet rich in protein can solve this problem.

  • If the hair fall does not stop even after 5-6 weeks of taking a good diet, then contact the doctor.

  • Apart from this, take care of some other things like use mild, paraben, and sulfate-free shampoo

  • Do not over-oil or massage

  • Use a wide-tooth comb, and if there are patches of baldness or excessive hair fall, contact the doctor immediately.

Find reason for hair fall

The reason behind hair fall post covid

  • The hair roots are getting weaker in corona affected patients

  • When a patient who has been cured of corona sees more hair fall, then comes under more stress and in such a situation the problem of hair loss also increases.

  • The number of patients has increased as compared to earlier and every day 50 to 60 patients are coming up with the problem of hair fall. In this, about 75% are women, whose hair is falling from the root.,

  • When your body is battling with any disease, the essential nutrients go to other essential parts of the body and the hair roots are not the priority, that is why they do not get the necessary nutrients and the roots become weak and break. Instead of growing hair, it comes in a state of falling.

Treatment for hair-fall

  • Diet

    • Doctors are giving two types of treatment to such patients, in which the first is about your diet, in which the patient is told to improve the food, and they should be given pomegranate, basil leaves, turmeric milk in their food.

    • It is recommended to eat fenugreek seeds, jaggery, and spinach in the diet

  • Medications

    • Medicines that increase blood circulation i.e. vitamins and minerals are also given

Advanced treatments for hair

Sometimes, these two methods- diet and medication do not work, then advanced treatment like Mizo therapy also has to be treated through PRP and laser therapy.

So, now embrace the healthy lifestyle to beat hair fall right away. If you have tried everything for hair fall, and still you are experiencing the same issue. Consult our doctors at Post Covid Centers, who will provide you their expertise in treating hair fall.

Call 469-545-9983 to book a telehealth appointment for a home check-up.

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