
Long COVID Affects Menstrual Cycle

Over the past few months, a worldwide increasing number of COVID patients. They are experiencing a prolonged state of ill health for months after getting sick, this is referred to as long COVID. COVID-19 symptoms start as mild symptoms and gradually get worse over a few days.

COVID-19 symptoms should disappear around 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Therefore, many people continue to experience disruptive symptoms of COVID-19. People with long COVID often struggle with symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, headaches, or muscle aches for many weeks or months after the initial disease has been treated.

Many women with coronavirus keep experiencing COVID-19 symptoms for months even after the disease has been subsided. These long Covid symptoms also affected their menstrual cycles.

How does COVID-19 impact women?

The virus causing COVID-19 causing is considered to be less dangerous for women than men. But women are at a higher risk of long COVID complications.

The COVID-19 affected a woman's reproductive system. Women with long COVID have spoken about how this prolonged state of illness has affected their menstrual cycles, and how it affects their quality of life. More and more women are reporting that COVID-19 has affected their menstrual cycle.

How does COVID-19 impact your menstrual cycle?

Experts believe that hormonal changes, which affect menstruation and fertility, could be the warning sign of active COVID infection in women. Irregular menstrual cycles and period problems may increase the severity of long COVID symptoms and have long-term repercussions on women's reproductive systems.

In 3 different ways, women may face menstrual problems after COVID-19 symptoms. Most of the women who have contracted COVID-19 have been experiencing irregular periods, unusual clotting of their period blood, or worsened premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


Irregular Periods

Women who have successful recoveries from COVID suffer from menstrual irregularities. The menstrual cycles either changed immediately when the symptoms of COVID-19 started or after the initial illness.

Menstrual pain and hormonal changes are commonly associated with COVID. One can miss or skip a whole month’s cycle of having a period. Also, the menstrual cycles may last longer and become very erratic.

The menstrual problems may be the buildup of stress and anxiety, which could affect hormonal functioning and cause reproductive irregularities.

Blood Clotting

Blood clots are the side effects of COVID-19, which could affect people of any age and cause life-long complications.

Some may experience heavy bleeding. Several women found an unusual amount of clots in their menstrual discharge or unusually large clots in the blood. While menstrual clotting caused by COVID-19 may lead to anemia, blood problems.

Worse Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

According to post COVID symptoms and rehabilitation surveys, one common symptom in women is terrible mood swings and worse PMS (premenstrual syndrome) blues.

Aggravated PMS symptoms can also increase the levels of estrogen, progesterone in the body. These symptoms may affect mood-balancing serotonin levels, induce pain, and delay recovery.

How do periods affect life?

During the periods, hormones fluctuate throughout the cycle. These changes in hormones cause physical and emotional changes.

Below are some common Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that often occurs before a period.

  • Feeling bloated

  • Having tender breasts

  • Experiencing mood swings

  • Feeling irritable

  • Having spotty or oily skin

  • Losing interest in sex

Taking Back the Monthly Period

If you have been sick with COVID-19 and facing a period problem, it’s not something to get panic about. The changes may be due to stress, anxiety, or changes in your lifestyle habits during the pandemic.

If you experience a change in your periods during the pandemic, the first step is to check whether you are pregnant or not. If not then visit your gynecologist for concern.

If you or anyone you know has been suffering from COVID-19 and experiencing Menstrual Cycle issues. Visit our Post Covid Center in Texas. We provide all facilities and care to patients. We provide phone consultation which includes medication, counseling, and talking therapy.

Call us at +1 (469) 545-9983 to book your appointment.

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