
Handwashing & COVID-19

Importance Of Handwashing During Covid-19

Coronavirus Reinforces the Importance of Handwashing

COVID‐19 has spread across all countries with basically no area left untouched. The rate of the spread and the disturbing demise rates have seen numerous nations and purviews acquaint measures with forestalling the spread of COVID‐19, and handwashing highlights emphatically in these. Handwashing has gotten significant consideration during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

Handwashing has generally been one of the best approaches to keeping illnesses under control. A basic demonstration delivers in profits with regards to guarding ourselves a sound and. Handwashing is likewise one of the critical foundations of COVID-19 counteraction. Presently like never before as we embrace the new typical and live with COVID-19, hand cleanliness necessities to turn into an indispensable piece of our everyday daily schedule and our lives, as we survive this pandemic, and then some, to safeguard us from sicknesses.

Stay Healthy Wash Your Hands

Importance of Handwashing

Handwashing is perhaps the most ideal way to safeguard yourself and your family from becoming ill. At the point when cleanser and water are not free, the following most ideal choice is to utilize an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Your sanitizer ought to contain something like 60% alcohol. If not, it won't kill microbes successfully. Our hands are a critical vector for transmitting microorganisms. The cross‐transmission of these organisms to others occurs when we fail to wash our hands effectively. Within healthcare systems and services, there have been almost continual awareness campaigns in place to encourage handwashing among health service personnel, patients and visitors.

Continuous, extensive handwashing with soap and water is probably the most effective way to reduce the spread of irresistible infections and is the principal line of safeguard against COVID-19. Like a cold, coronavirus spreads through droplets from your coughing or sneezing, and through contaminated surfaces. Great cleanliness is critical to refraining from spreading it - and getting it.

Alongside other significant behaviors, such as physical distancing, completely washing hands regularly and at key minutes is vital for controlling the pandemic.

When and How to Wash Your Hands

How does an infection on my hands prompt a disease in my body?

Whenever you rub your eyes or contact your nose or mouth, any infections on your hands can enter your body through mucous films in your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Be careful about everything you contact consistently such as door handles, lift buttons, entryway handles, ATMs, touchscreens, and your cellphone (and every one of the surfaces it has contacted). when we touch these articles, any virus or microbe that can get by on these surfaces might be moved to your hands. As indicated by the researchers and scientists, regardless of whether you realize it, it's assessed that individuals contact their face somewhere multiple times within 60 minutes. For this reason, it is so critical to clean up.

8 Steps of Handwashing During Covid19

Proper technique for washing your hands

There are a couple of basic strides to take to give your hands an exhaustive cleaning and forestall the spread of sickness. The means are:

  • Wet: Initiate by putting your hands under clean running water (warm or cold).
  • Lather: Apply a generous amount of cleanser to within and back of your hands as well as your fingertips. To foam up your hands. Rub your hands together for something like 20 seconds. Quietly "singing" the birthday tune two times is a memorable simple 20-second clock instrument. Your fingertips are particularly significant as individuals regularly put their fingers all over, their noses, and eyes. This is the manner by which the infection spreads.
  • Scrub: Rub your hands together and move your fingertips around two hands. You needn't bother with a scour brush. You don't have to make brutal, cleaning movements. Turn off the water with your elbow.
  • Rinse: Return two hands to the running water and delicately wash away the cleanser.
  • Dry: Dry the water from your hands. Utilizing an expendable towel (paper towel) is ideal to try not to leave microbes on towels. Air dryers, regularly found in open restrooms, are additionally viable. Dry your hands with a perfect towel or air dry them. Assuming you utilized a towel to dry your hands, utilize a similar towel to open the washroom entryway to leave the room. Dispose of the towel in a wastebasket.

As per the researchers, it is important to wash your hands for 20 seconds as it is the most effective in killing germs. Don’t have the patience for this? Experts advise that washing your hands while singing makes the experience quick and more pleasant.

When do I need to wash my hands?

Handwashing throughout the day is important, but even more important during an outbreak like COVID-19. Always remember to wash your hands in these situations:

  • When you return from a public outing such as grocery store, work, school, concert, sporting activity, hospital, or nursing home.
  • Before you leave the bathroom – both at home and in public.
  • After you shake hands amidst flu season and virus outbreaks.
  • Before, during, and after you prepare food, mainly raw food.
  • Before eating food.
  • When caring for sick people at home with symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea.
  • When treating a cut or wound.
  • After changing diapers or tidying up a used the child latrine.After cleaning out your nose, hacking, or sniffling.
  • After contacting an animal, animal feed, or animal waste.
  • After taking care of pet food or pet treats.
  • After contacting trash.
  • After putting on your shoes.
  • After utilizing public PCs, contacting public tables and ledges, money and coins, others' telephones, and so on.

Proper Technique of Handwashing During Covid-19

When you should use hand sanitizer?

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing something like 60% alcohol) is useful in safeguarding against the spread of microorganisms and infections. Nonetheless, handwashing with a cleanser and water is still best. Hand sanitizer is successful when cleanser and water are not free. This incorporates while taking public transportation and it's hard to get to a restroom (plane, train, transport). Conveying a movement-size container of hand sanitizer makes it simple to clean your hands as a rule where you're around others. Apply a generous drop of hand sanitizer to the center of your hand and rub it across two hands, front and back, and fingertips.


The pandemic is still among us and it is a long way from being done. Handwashing is perhaps the most ideal way to safeguard yourself and your family from becoming ill. COVID spreads without any problem. Hand washing forestalls the spread of microorganisms, including COVID.

Whenever you come into contact with microorganisms, you can become contaminated just by contacting your eyes, nose, or mouth. Embrace the power of handwashing! It's probably everything thing you can manage to help yourself as well as other people.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from the effects of Covid-19, our expert providers at Post Covid Centers will take care of your health and help you recover.

Call us on (469) 545-9983 to book a telehealth appointment for a home check-up.

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